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Ronelle Alexander has recently retired after 39 years on the faculty of the Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures at the University of California, Berkeley (UCB). Prior to that she taught at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) and at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill.

Her primary research interests are South Slavic (especially Bulgarian) dialectology, South Slavic and Balkan folklore (especially the recordings in the Milman Parry Collection at Harvard), and the sociolinguistics of standard languages vs. dialects. She has carried out extensive field research in rural areas of Bulgaria, Macedonia, and southeastern Serbia, and is the director of the digital humanities project Bulgarian Dialectology as Living Tradition.

Bulgarian Dialectology as Living Tradition: bulgariandialectology.org


Selected list of publications

  • (with Vladimir Zhobov). Bulgarian Dialects: Living Speech in the Digital Age. Slavica Publishers, 238 pp.
  • Review of Yuri Kleiner & Georgi Levinton, tr. Skazitel’, 2d. edition  (Albert Lord, Singer of Tales, 2d edition). Slavic and East European Journal 65: 568-570.
  • Digital Analysis of Balkan Phraseology. Strategii mežbalkanskoj kommunikacii: perevod, pereskaz, umolčanie ( = Balkanskie čtenija 15), ed. I. Sedakova et al. (Moscow: Indrik), pp. 43-46. DOI 10.31168/2618-8597.2021.16.06
  • New approaches in Bulgarian dialectology. Otgovornost pred ezika, sbornik posveten na 90-godišninata na čl.-kor. prof. d-r Todor Bojadžiev, ed. D. Popov et al. (Šumen: Universitetsko izdatelstvo “Episkop Konstantin Preslavski”), pp. 60-67.  
  • Bulgarian Dialects in Thrace: A Digital Approach. Perspectives of Ethno-Linguistic Research on the ‘Historical’ Area of Thrace, ed. Chr. Markou et al. (Thessaloniki: K. & M. Stamoulis Publications), pp. 23-36.  
  • Clitics, Particles, and Phrases in Bulgarian and Balkan Slavic Dialects. Balkanistica 33: 213-219.
  • Yugoslavia, Slavic Languages in. Encyclopedia of Slavic Languages and Linguistics Online. Brill Publishers.   
  • (with Quinn Dombrowski and Vladimir Zhobov). Bulgarian Dialectology as Living Tradition: A Labor of Love. Slavic & East European Information Resources 20:1-2, 3-22. DOI: 10.1080/15228886.2019.1628492.
  • Diatopy and frequency as indicators of spread: Accentuation in Bulgarian dialects. Perspectives on Language Structure and Language Change. Eds. L. Heltoft et al. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, pp. 327-344.
  • Approaches to Dialect Diversity. Balkanistika 32,1: 17-36.
  • Tracking new elements in Bulgarian dialects. Eds. J. Pennington et al. And Thus You Are Everywhere Honored, Studies Dedicated to Brian D. Joseph. Bloomington: Slavica, pp. 1-18.
  • (with Vladimir Zhobov). Dialects of the Slavic Languages. The Handbook of Dialectology, ed, C. Boberg, J. Nerbonne, and D. Watt. Hoboken: Wiley-Blackwell, pp. 510-522.
  • Bulgarian Dialectology: The View from Within and Without. Balkanskij tezaurus: Vzgljad na Balkany izvne i vnutri ( = Balkanskie čtenija 134, tezisy i materialy), ed. M. Makarcev et al. (Moscow: Institut slavjanovedenija RAN), pp. 91-94.
  • Bulgarian Dialectology as Living Tradition: A Digital Resource of Dialect Speech. Balkanistica 28: 1-13.
  • Where Dialectology Begins: Village Speech in Context. Balkanskij tezaurus: Načalo  ( = Balkanskie čtenija 13, tezisy i materialy), ed. M. Makarcev et al. (Moscow: Institut slavjanovedenija RAN), pp. 77-81.
  • Review of Paul-Louis Thomas and Vladimir Osipov, Grammaire du bosniaque, croate, monténégrin, serbe.  In: Journal of Slavic Linguistics 23: 123-145.
  • Review of Philip Bohlman and Nada Petković, ed., Balkan Epic: Song, History, Modernity.  In: Ethnomusicology Forum 24, 2: 286-288.
  • Language and Identity: The Fate of Serbo-Croatian. Entangled Balkans, v. 1, ed. R Daskalov & T. Marinov. Brill Publishers: 341-417.
  • What is naš? Conceptions of “the Other” in the prose of Ivo Andrić. Slavia iaponica 16: 7-36.
  • Convergence and Causation in Balkan Slavic. Balkanismen heute Балканизмы сегодня, eds. T. Kahl et al. [= Balkanologie, Beiträge zur Sprach- und Kulturwissenschaft, Band 3] (Vienna - Berlin: LIT Verlag): 39-45.
  • The Paradox of the Instant Trilingual. Jezik u upotrebi / Language in Use: primenjena lingvistika u čast Ranku Bugarskom / Applied Linguistics in Honour of Ranko Bugarski, ed. V. Vasić (Novi Sad: Društvo za primenjenu lingvistiku Srbije, Filozofski fakultet; Belgrade: Filozofski fakultet): 95-105.
  • Bulgarian Dialects and the Balkan Model of the World. Balkanskij spektr. Ot sveta k cvetu (= Balkanskie čtenija 11, tezisy i materialy), eds. M. Makarcev et al. (Moscow: Institut slavjanovedenija RAN): 171-173.
  • Vasko Popa and the Stargazer’s Legacy.  Puzzles of Language: Essays in Honor of Karl Zimmer ( = Turcologica 86), eds. E. Erguvanli Taylan & B. Rona (Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz Verlag): 235-246.


  • Cultural Identity in Southeastern Europe: Balancing the Global and the Local. Europa/Evropa: Cross-Cultural Dialogues between the West, Russia, and Southeastern Europe, ( = Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis 18) eds. M. Könönen & J. Nuroluoto: 15-33.
  • Serbo-Croatian Dialectology Revisited. Rus’ Writ Large: Language, Histories, Cultures. Essays Presented in Honor of Michael S. Flier on His Sixty-Fifth Birthday (= Harvard Ukrainian Studies) 28: 45-55.
  • New Conclusions on the Conclusive. (with Vladimir Zhobov) Journal of Slavic Linguistics 17: 61-85.
  • What Is Second Position, Anyway? BCS Clitics Revisited. In: S. Franks et al., eds., A Linguist’s Linguist: Studies in South Slavic Linguistics in Honor of E. Wayles Browne (Bloomington: Slavica): 43-67.
  • Bulgarian.  Lonely Planet phrasebooks. 255 pp.
  • Rhythmic Structure Constituents and Clitic Placement in Bosnian, Croatian, Serbian. In: C. Bethin, ed., American Contributions to the Fourteenth International Congress of Slavists v. 1 (Bloomington: Slavica): 1-19.
  • Review of Bosanski - Hrvatski - Srpski / Bosnisch - Kroatisch - Serbisch, Aktuelna pitanja jezika Bošnjaka, Hrvata, Srba i Crnogoraca / Aktuelle Frage der Sprache des Bosniaken, Kroaten, Serben und Montenegriner. Canadian Slavonic Papers 48: 190-192.
  • Dialectology. In: Steven Franks et al., eds., Slavic Linguistics 2000: The Future of Slavic Linguistics in America. http://www.seelrc.org/glossos/issues/8/
  • Review of Robert Greenberg, Language and Identity in the Balkans. Journal of Slavic Linguistics 14: 79-90.
  • Bosnian, Croatian, Serbian: One Language or Three? International Journal of Slavic Linguistics and Poetics 44-45 (2002-03): 1-35.
  • Vasko Popa’s Opus. Twentieth Century Literary Criticism 167: 154-170.
  • Does Serbo-Croatian Dialectology Still Exist? In: A. Sobolev and A. Rusakov, eds., Jazyki i dialekty malyx etničeskix grupp na Balkanax (St. Petersburg - Marburg), pp. 30-42.
  • BCS, vs. B, C, S: Bringing Comprehension to the Foreign Learner. In: N. Leko, ed. Lingvistički vidici ( = Forum Bosne 35), pp. 210-217.
  • Revitalizing Bulgarian Dialectology (co-edited, with Vladimir Zhobov). University of California International and Area Studies Digital Publications.
  • The Scope of Double Accent. In: Revitalizing Bulgarian Dialectology.
  • Hierarchies of Stress Assignment in Bulgarian Dialects. In: Revitalizing Bulgarian Dialectology (with Vladimir Zhobov and Georgi Kolev).
  • Bridging the Descriptive Chasm: The Bulgarian “Generalized Past”. Indiana Slavic Studies 12: 13-42.
  • Intensive Bulgarian: A Textbook and Reference Grammar, vol. I (with the assistance of Olga Mladenova). Madison: University of Wisconsin Press. xix, 394 pp.
  • Intensive Bulgarian: A Textbook and Reference Grammar, vol. II (with the assistance of Olga Mladenova). Madison: University of Wisconsin Press. xvii, 395 pp.
  • In Honor of Diversity: The Linguistic Riches of the Balkans (The Kenneth E. Naylor Memorial Lecture Series in South Slavic Linguistics 2). Department of Slavic and East European Language and Literatures, The Ohio State University. vi, 116 pp.
  • Tracking Sprachbund Boundaries: Word Order in the Balkans. Studies in Slavic and General Linguistics 28: 9-27.
  • Word Order and Prosody in Balkan Slavic Dialects: The Case of Thrace. In: V. Radeva et al., eds. Dialektologija i lingvistična geografija (Sofia), pp. 61-73.
  • Struktura poezije Vaska Pope (Studije o Srbima 7). Beograd: Vukova zadužbina, Orfelin; Novi Sad: Matica Srpska. 147 pp.
  • Narrative Voice and Listener’s Choice in the Prose of Ivo Andrić. In: W. Vucinich, ed. Ivo Andrić Revisited: The Bridge Still Stands (Berkeley), pp. 200-230.
  • Govor pripovedača i izbor slušaocima u prozi Ive Andrića. Sveske Zadužbine Ive Andrića 15, 12: 231-252.
  • The “Tension of Essences” in South Slavic Epic. In: S. Karlinsky et al., eds., O Rus! Studia litteraria slavica in honorem Hugh McLean (Berkeley), pp. 153-165.
  • The Balkanization of Wackernagel’s Law. Indiana Slavic Studies 7: 1-8.
  • Standard Macedonian “Accentual Units” and Macedonian Dialectology. In: B. Stolz, ed., Studies in Macedonian Language, Literature and Culture (Michigan Slavic Materials 37), pp. 1-16.
  • Propp and Parry: Structure and Performance. Kunstkamera: etnografičeskie tetradi 8-9: 195-198.
  • The Prosodic Systems of Balkan Slavic: A Partial Typology. Zbornik za filologiju i lingvistiku 37, 102: 23-40.

  • Struktura pesništva Vaska Pope, Vučja so: ciklus kao pesma. Letopis Matice srpske 169 / 451, 1: 82-96.
  • Remarks on the Evolution of South Slavic Prosodic Systems. In: R. Maguire and A Timberlake, eds., American Contributions to the Eleventh International Congress of Slavists (Columbus), pp. 181-201.
  • Udarenieto na imenata ot sreden rod v rodopskite govori. Bŭlgarski ezik 42: 393-395.

  • The Balkan Nature of Macedonian Stress Phenomena. Makedonski jazik 42-44: 105-114.
  • Folklorni elementi u poeziji Vaska Pope. Književnost 46 / 94: 1572-1587.
  • The Poetics of Vuk Karadžić’s Kosovo Songs: An Analysis of “Kosovka djevojka”. In: W. Vucinich and T. Emmert, eds., Kosovo, Legacy of a Medieval Battle ( Minnesota Mediterranean and East European Monographs 1), pp. 189-201.
  • Poetika Njegoševa jezika i jezik njegove poezije. Naučni sastanak slavista u Vukove dane 18, 2: 401-406.
  • Man and the Stars: A Phonological Analysis of Vasko Popa’s “Zev nad zevovima”. In: Liber amicoroum in Honour of E.D. Goy (Kruševac - London), pp. 158-172.
  • The Accentuation of Neuter Nouns in Balkan Slavic. In: H. Birnbaum, ed., American Contributions to the Tenth International Congress of Slavists (Columbus), pp. 7-34.
  • Animacy in Balkan Slavic. In: S. Karlinsky and M. Flier, eds., Language, Literature, Linguistics, in Honor of Francis J. Whitfield on His Seventieth Birthday, March 25, 1986 (Berkeley), pp. 1-12.
  • The Structure of Vasko Popa’s Poetry (UCLA Slavic Studies 14). Columbus: Slavica. 196 pp.
  • Timeless and Timebound in Serbian History: Vasko Popa’s “Uspravna zemlja”. International Journal of Slavic Linguistics and Poetics 31-32: 41-58.
  • Linguistic Sub-Structures in the Prose of Ivo Andrić. In: C. Hawkesworth, ed., Ivo Andrić, Proceedings of a Symposium Held at the School of Slavonic and East European Studies, 10-12 July 1984 ( SSEES Occasional Papers 4), pp. 188-203.
  • Areal Linguistics and South Slavic Slavic Linguistics: The Case of Balkan Slavic. Zbornik za filologiju i lingvistiku 27-28: 39-47.
  • Struktura poezije Vaska Pope: opus kao pesma. Letopis Matice srpske 160: 521-533, 694-705.
  • Struktura ciklusa i struktura pjesme u zbirci “Vučja so” Vaska Pope. Izraz 56 / 23, 9: 185-198.
  • Directions of Morphophonemic Change in Balkan Slavic: The Accentuation of the Present Tense. In: H. Birnbaum, ed., American Contributions to the Ninth International Congress of Slavists, vol. 1 (Columbus), pp. 9-49.
  • On the Definition of Sprachbund Boundaries: The Place of Balkan Slavic. In: N. Reiter, ed. Ziele und Wege der Balkanlinguistik, Beiträge zur Tagung vom 1-6 März 1981 in Berlin (Balkanologische Veröffentlichungen 8), pp. 13-26.
  • Structure and Tradition in the Poetry of Vasko Popa. International Journal of Slavic Linguistics and Poetics 25-26: 41-50.
  • Directions of Morphophonemic Change in Bulgarian Dialects. In: Bulgaria Past and Present, Studies in History, Literature, Economics, Music, Sociology, Folklore and Linguistics: Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Bulgarian Studies held at Družba, Varna, June 13-17, 1978 (Sofia), pp. 217-220.
  • External and Internal Change in Balkan Slavic. Folia Slavica 4, 2-3: 188-197.
  • Pravci morfofonološke promene u balkanskoslavenskim dijalektima, akcentuacija imperativa. In: H. Birnbaum, ed., American Contributions to the Eighth International Congress of Slavists, vol. 1 (Columbus), pp. 26-44.
  • Transitional West Bulgarian Dialects: A Structural Approach. In: Bulgaria Past and Present, Studies in History, Literature, Economics, Music, Sociology, Folklore and Linguistics (Columbus), pp. 310-316.
  • Torlak Accentuation (Slavistische Beiträge 94). Munich: Otto Sagner. xvi, 806 pp.
  • (with Pavle Ivić) Refonologizacija količestva glasnogo v odnom jugovostočnom serbskom govore. Obščeslavjanskij lingvističeskij atlas 1973: 18-21.
  • Phonemic Re-Write Rules and Balkan Slavic. International Journal of Slavic Linguistics and Poetics 14: 5-20.

Ellen Elias-Bursać is a translator, teacher, independent scholar. 

     Zagreb: From 1972 to 1990 she lived in Zagreb where she worked as a translator and coordinated American study-abroad programs for Macalester College and the ACM-GLCA consortia at the Zagreb University Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences.

     Teaching: language preceptor for Bosnian, Croatian, and Serbian at the Harvard Slavic Department (1994 - 2005); intermediate language instruction at the Critical Languages Institute at ASU (summer, 2012); a course on the practice and theory of translation at Tufts University offered in fall 2012, spring 2014, fall 2015; language classes for children and adults at the New England Friends of Bosnia and Herzegovina, 2012-2018.In the spring, 2018, taught two translation-studies courses at the Filozofski fakultet, Zagreb University on a teaching Fulbright. In the spring, 2019, she was translator-in-residence at the University of Iowa's MFA in literary translation. In 2022, ran a five-day workshop for translators of Bosnian, Croatian, Montenegrin and Serbian organized by the Summer School run by the British Centre for Literary Translation at the University of East Anglia.

    Her translations and scholarship were honored by the Association for Women in Slavic Studies with the Mary Zirin Prize for Independent Scholars.

     Tribunal: For six years, between 1998 and 2010, worked as a reviser in the English Translation Unit of the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia in The Hague, Netherlands.

     A past president of the American Literary Translators Association; contributing editor at Asymptote; a center associate at the Davis Center, Harvard University. Lives in Cambridge MA.

A selection of publications, interviews and discussions, translations.
The translations are marked Tr.

  • Tr. Damir Karakaš. Celebration. San Francisco: Two Lines Press. 120 pp.
  • Tr. Ivana Bodrožić. Sons, Daughters. New York: Seven Stories Press. 256 pp.
  • Tr. Ivana Šojat. Unterstadt. Zagreb: Fraktura. 413 pp.
  • Tr. Nada Gašić. Water, Spiderweb. Sandorf Passage. 517 pp.
  • Tr. "How to Ruin Your Own Heroine" and "Button, Button, Who's Got the Button?" In: Dubravka Ugrešić. Lend Me Your Character. Rochester: Open Letter Press.
  • Tr. Stories recorded by actors for Croatian Soundscript. Eds. Jelena and Andrea Remetin.
  • Tr. Ivan Sršen. Harmattan. London: Abibiman Publishing. 176 pp.
  • Tr. Anti-Judaism, Anti-Semitism and the Holocaust in Croatia. Jewish Community, Zagreb.
  • Tr. Espi Tomičić. Your Love Is King. MaMa Multimedijalni institut.
  • Tr. essays by Balša Brković, Ferida Duraković, Viktor Ivančić, Miljenko Jergović, Boro Kontić, Sonja Licht, Goran Marković, Žarko Puhovski, Vesna Pusić, Dubravka Stojanović, Dubravka Ugrešić, in 30 Years: Open Society & Its Friends, 1991-2021. Open Society.
  • Tr. Dubravka Ugrešić. There's No Place Like Home. LA Review of Books.
  • Tr. Igor Štiks. W. Fraktura. 344 pp.
  • Tr. Ivana Bodrožić. We Trade Our Night for Someone Else's Day. New York: Seven Stories Press. 240 pp.
  • Tr. Davor Rostuhar. Love Around the World. Zagreb: Klub za ekspedicionizam i kulturu. 400 pp.
  • The Backstories of Cold War Translations: Shepherding into English the Writing of Miroslav Krleža and Milovan Djilas. Translation and Interpreting Studies.
  • Translating and Interpreting at the ICTY: Lessons Learned. In: Legacies of the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia: A Multidisciplinary Approach. Eds. Carsten Stahn, Carmel Agius, Serge Brammertz, Colleen Rohan. Oxford University Press: 337-354.
  • Conflict Twists. Los Angeles Review of Books.
  • Translation and Interpreting at the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia in The Hague. Encyclopedia of Slavic Languages and Linguistics Online. Brill.
  • Transnational Rivalry and Consecration: Croatian and Serbian Writers in Translation. In: Times of Mobility: Transnational Literature and Gender in Translation, Eds. Jasmina Lukić and Sibelan Forrester. Budapest: Ceu Press: 273-94.

  • Tr. Ivana Bodrožić (with Damir Šodan). In a Sentimental Mood. Sandorf. 64 pp.
  • Tr. Dubravka Ugrešić. The Age of Skin. Open Letter Books. 220 pp.
  • Tr. Saša Ilić. Excerpt from The Dog and the Double Bass. Asymptote. Summer.
  • Tr. David Albahari. A Writer Without Words: Six Short Short Stories. Almost Island.
  • Tr. (with Paula Gordon) Olja Knežević. Catherine the Great and the Small. Istros Books. 280 pp.
  • Tr. Mediha Adrović. Is It Becoming a Country of Old Men? The Bridge: the magazine of Academia Balkanica Europeana.
  • Tr. Dragan Bursać. Excerpts from PTSD Scrapbook. InTranslation.
  • Tr. Robert Perišić. No-Signal Area. Seven Stories Press. 368 pp.
  • Tr. Kristian Novak. Dark Mother Earth. Amazon Crossing. 304 pp.
  • Tr. Sonja Biserko. Human Rights in the Balkans. The Bridge: the magazine of Academia Balkanica Europeana.
  • Teaching about Translation and War. In Other Words. Summer, 53: 26-30.
  • Afterword, in: Asja Bakić. Mars. Translated by Jennifer Zoble. New York: Feminist Press: 163-167.
  • Translation Institutions: War Crimes Tribunals. The Palgrave Handbook of Languages and Conflicts. Eds. Michael Kelly, Hilary Footitt, Myriam Salama-Carr. Palgrave: 331-351.
  • (with Louise Askew) Translation and International Justice. The Routledge Handbook of Translation and Politics. Eds. Fruela Fernández and Jonathan Evans. Routledge: 177-192.
  • Interview with Ivana Bodrožić, Asymptote Blog.
  • Tr. David Albahari. Checkpoint (excerpt). Two Lines 29: 128-142.
  • Tr. David Albahari. Checkpoint (excerpt). Epiphany: A Literary Journal. Fall-Winter: 147-153.
  • Tr. Ivana Bodrožić. No Room. The Arkansas International, 5: 58-62.
  • Tr. Vladimir Arsenijević. From Prishtina with Love (Again). The Bridge: the magazine of Academia Balkanica Europeana.
  • Tr. David Albahari. Checkpoint. Brooklyn: Restless Books. 183 pp.
  • Tr. and edited (with Celia Hawkesworth) Dubravka Ugrešić. American Fictionary. Open Letter Books. 200 pp.
  • Tr. (with David Williams) Dubravka Ugrešić. Fox. Rochester: Open Letter Books. 320 pp. Given an honorary mention by the MLA's Aldo and Jeanne Scaglione Prize for a Translation of a Literary Work in 2020.
  • Tr. Dubravka Ugrešić. Unhappiness Is Other People. Asymptote. April.
  • Tr. Dubravka Ugrešić. Ninotchka on My Mind. World Literature Today.
  • Tr. Ivana Bodrožić. The Hotel TIto. Seven Stories Press. 173 pp.
  • Tr. Igor Štiks. The Judgment of Richard Richter. Amazon Crossing. 300 pp.
  • Tr. Zoran Janjanin. Losing Ground. Words Without Borders.
  • Tr. David Albahari. Brother. Words Without Borders.
  • Tr. Dubravka Ugrešić. The Little Guys and "Gypsy Fortune." Salmagundi Magazine.
  • Tr. Vedrana Rudan. Love at Last Sight. Dalkey Archive Press. 204 pp.
  • Tr. David Albahari. Our Teacher. In: harlequin creature, issue 9.
  • Tr. Ivan Sršen. Introduction. In: Zagreb Noir. New York: Akashic Books: 11-19.
  • Tr. Mima Simić. Horse Killer. In: Zagreb Noir. New York: Akashic Books: 87-101.
  • Tr. Nada Gašić. Numbers 1-3. In: Zagreb Noir. New York: Akashic Books: 146-162.
  • Tr. Zoran Pilić. Wraiths. In: Zagreb Noir. New York: Akashic Books: 163-182.
  • Tr. Nora Verde. She-Warrior. In: Zagreb Noir. New York: Akashic Books: 213-232.
  • Tr. Ivan Sršen. Weiner Schnitzel. In: Zagreb Noir. New York: Akashic Books: 233-253.
  • Tr. Tea Tulić. Hair. In: McSweeney's No. 48: 257-65.
  • Tr. Bekim Sejranović. A Happier Ending. In: McSweeney's No. 48: 329-341.
  • Tr. Vedrana Rudan. My Granddaughter's Name is Anita. In: Best European Fiction 2015, ed. West Camel. Champaign: Dalkey Archive: 60-68.
  • Tr. David Albahari. Learning Cyrillic. Dalkey Archive Press. 180 pp.
  • Tr. Karim Zaimović. Invasion of the Cows. Asymptote. October.
  • Tr.  David Albahari. Globetrotter (and Afterword). Yale University Press. 207 pp.
  • Tr. David Albahari. Lolita, Lolita. Wasafiri. Issue 78: 36-38.
  • Tr. David Albahari. Hitler in Chicago. Harper's. October 2014.
  • Tr. Neda Miranda Blažević-Kreitzman. Marilyn Monroe, My Mother. Buenos Aires Review. August.
  • Tr. Emira Larson. Scheherazade. InTranslation. June.
  • Tr. Veselin Marković. Excerpts from We, Who Are Different: Prolog 1 and Prolog 2. Asymptote blog.
  • Tr. Daša Drndić. Trieste. New York: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt. 359 pp.


  • Tr. Karim Zaimović. Wonders Never Cease. Absinthe 20: Spotlight on Bosnia: 32-44.
  • Tr. David Albahari. Trash is Better. Asymptote October.


  • Translucent Translations: Wheel with a Single Spoke. An Arts Fuse review of Nichita Stanescu's poems in translations by Sean Cotter.
  • Shaping International Justice: the Role of Translation and Interpreting at the ICTY in The Hague. Translation and Interpreting Studies 7, 1: 34-53.
  • The Print Pantheist. An Arts Fuse Review of Cyprian Norwood's Poems in translations by Danuta Borchardt.
  • Tr. David Albahari. Learning Cyrillic. Belgrade: Geopoetika. 271 pp.
  • Tr. Boris Gunjević chapters in Žižek, Slavoj & Boris Gunjević. God in Pain: Inversions of Apocalypse. NY: Seven Stories Press.
  • Tr. Đurđa Otržan. The Four Most Still. InTranslation. January.
  • Tr. Daša Drndić. Trieste. London: MacLehose Press. 357 pp. Won IFFP Reader's Prize, 2013.
  • Tr. and Translator's Note. Dubravka Ugrešić. The Spirit of the Kakanian Province. Asymptote.
  • Tr. Dubravka Ugrešić. Five essays in Karaoke Culture. Rochester: Open Letter Press.
  • Tr. Snješka Knežević, Aleksander Laslo. Jewish Zagreb. Zagreb: Jewish Community of Zagreb & AGM. 191 pp.
  • Tr. Vladimir Pištalo. An Excerpt from Tesla, Portrait Among the Masks. Massachusetts Review. LII, 1: 117-124.
  • Tr. David Albahari. Leeches. New York: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt; London: Harvill Secker. 320 pp.
  • Introduction. Ranko Marinković. Cyclops. Tr. Vlada Stojiljković. New Haven: Yale U Press: v-xi. Also: the editing of the Stojiljković translation of Cyclops.
  • Translating Dubravka Ugrešić and David Albahari. In: Shoreless Bridges: Southeast European Writing in Diaspora after 1990. Elka Agoston (ed.). Studies in Slavic Literature and Poetics (SSLP), 55. Amsterdam: Editions Rodopi: 133-147.
  • Tr. Love and Life: Serbian Short Stories. David Albahari (ed.). Special issue Culture Bridge, Toronto, (2010): 6-44. (Including stories by Borivoje Adašević; David Albahari; Ljubica Arsić; Svetislav Basara; Đorđe Jakov; Nenad Jovanović; Jelena Lengold; Vasa Pavković; Mihajlo Pantić; Vladimir Tasić; Srđan V. Tešin)
  • Tr. David Albahari. Head Weight. Words Without Borders January.
  • Tr. David Albahari. The Basilica in Lyon. In: Best European Fiction 2010. Aleksandar Hemon (ed.). Preface by Zadie Smith. Champaign: Dalkey Archive: 273-288.
  • Tr. Ivo Andrić. Zuja. The Slave Girl and Other Stories About Women. Rajka Gorup (ed.). Budapest: CEU Press: 225-237.
  • Tr. Zvonimir Mrkonjić. Cow; Shelter; The Far Road to Dalj; Belfries; Singed Earth. In: If We Crash into a Cloud It Won't Hurt: Croatian Poetry 1989-2009. Selected by Ervin Jahić. Special edition of Journal for Poetry. V 1-2: 21.
  • Tr. Dubravka Ugrešić. Part One: Go There – I Know Not Where -- and Bring Me Back a Thing I Lack. In: Baba Yaga Laid an Egg. Edinburgh: Canongate. 79 pp. Shortlisted, IFFP 2010.
  • Tr. Ivan Slamnig. The More I Look, the More I See; The Wounded Tank; Moving By Me; Jelenovac; I Like Places Which Are Very Damp; Earth I; Earth II; White Sand; Brodetto and the Cravat; It Always Used to be One Way or t'Other. In: The Consolation of Chaos: an Anthology of Contemporary Croatian Poetry, 1995-2005. Miroslav Mićanović (ed.). Special edition of Relations: Literary Magazine 1-2: 9-13.
  • Tr. Ivan Slamnig. Barbara. Translated with Mirjana Dedaić. Most/The Bridge 3-4: 66-67.
  • Tr. Dubravka Ugrešić. Nobody's Home. London: Telegram. 276 pp.
  • Tr. Dubravka Ugrešić. Leaving It to LolitaThe Drawbridge 5.
  • Tr. David Albahari. Footsteps. Two Lines XIV: 42-55.
  • Tr. David Albahari. Learning Cyrillic. Words Without Borders January.
  • Tr. David Albahari. Holding Hands. In: These Are Our Lives: Stories. Declan Meade (ed.). Special issue of The Stinging Fly: 63-68.
  • Tr. Dubravka Ugrešić. The New Eastern European Intellectual: A Culture of Lies. Context: A Forum for Literary Arts and Culture 18: 12-13.
  • Tin Ujević, the Self-Made Myth. Most/The Bridge 3-4: 133-137.
  • Šoljan na engleskom: Izdaja “Izdajica.” In: Prevođenje kultura: iskustva u prevođenju kultura. Antun Šoljan kao prevodilac i prevodioci Antuna Šoljana, Zagrebački prevodilački susret 2003. Zagreb: Društvo hrvatskih prevodilaca: 109-115.
  • Ujević i Emerson. Republika: mjesečnik za književnost, umjetnost i društvo 12: 132-142.
  • Tr. David Albahari. Götz and Meyer. New York: Harcourt Brace; London: Harvill Secker. 168 pp. Given the ALTA National Translation Award in 2006.
  • Tr. David Albahari. Snow Man. Toronto: Douglas & McIntyre. 120 pp.
  • Tr. Poems by Tin Ujević. A selection from Lelek sebra [The Keening of a Slave]: A Prayer to the Mother of God for her Servant Dora Remebot I, II and IV; A Thought of Her; Mysteries I, II, III, IV. A selection from Kolajna [The Necklace]:  I, II, III, IV, V, XI, XXI, XXX. In: Most/The Bridge 3-4: 93-95.
  • The Deaths of Augustin Ujević. Slavische Moderne und Avant-garde. Frankfurt: Peter Lang: 121-137.
  • Bosnian, Croatian and Serbian Literatures [published on the internet]. Grolier’s Multimedia Encyclopedia. 9 pp.
  • Tr. Svetlana Broz. Good People in an Evil Time: Portraits of Complicity and Resistance in the Bosnian War. Also Glossary with Laurie Kain Hart and Svetlana Broz. New York: Other Press. 515 pp.
  • Tr. Tin Ujević. A Fraternity of Beings in the Universe. Essays in Arts and Sciences Winter: 113-115.
  • Tr. David Albahari. Shadows. BBC Radio 4. Afternoon Reading, February.
  • Riječi, šiknule iz tmine: Augustin Ujević i književno prevodjenje. Giga Graćan (ed.). Zagreb: Erazmus naklada. 255 pp.
  • Tr. Slobodan Selenić. Fathers and Forefathers. (Also Foreword, Glossary). London: Harvill Press/Random House. 288 pp.
  • Kolajna: Augustin Ujević’s Sense of Place. Journal of Croatian Studies XLIII: 69-80.
  • Tr. Antun Šoljan. A Brief Excursion (also Foreword). Evanston: Northwestern University Press. 251 pp.
  • Tr. Tanja Stevorić. The Radiator. Dandelion: fractals, fragments, fractures 26 2: 52-53.
  • Tr. David Albahari. Peter Handke. Dandelion: fractals, fragments, fractures 26 2: 56-67.
  • Sablasni glas Augustina Ouyévitcha u knjizi “Grammaire Élémentaire de la langue Serbe.” Croatica XXVII/XXVIII: 111-118.
  • Tr. David Albahari, By the Light of the Silvery Moon. AlbertaViews 2 1: 42-46.
  • Tr. Danica Marković, June 27. In: Lines of Fire, Women Writers of World War I. Margaret R. Higonnet (ed.). London: Penguin: 541.
  • Tr. Lily Novy. Preparation; Nightmare. In: Lines of Fire, Women Writers of World War I. London: Penguin: 552-553.
  • Tr. Vida Jeraj (pseudonym for Franciska Jeraj, née Vovk). 1914. In: Lines of Fire, Women Writers of World War I. London: Penguin: 554-555.

  • Marijan Matković. The Dictionary of Literary Biography 181: 165-169.
  • Slavko Mihalić. The Dictionary of Literary Biography 181: 177-181.
  • Antun Šoljan. The Dictionary of Literary Biography 181: 332-336.
  • Tr. David Albahari. Words Are Something Else. Foreword by Charles Simic. Edited, afterword by Tomislav Longinović. Evanston: Northwestern University Press. 215 pp. Given the AATSEEL Translation Award in 1998.
  • Tr. David Albahari. From Belgrade to Banff: a Travelogue. NeWest Review 21 2: 11-12.
  • Tr. David Albahari. Lolita, Lolita. Descant 94 27 3: 39-46.
  • Silvije Strahimir Kranjčević. The Dictionary of Literary Biography 147: 104-111.
  • Tr. David Albahari. The Pope. Harper’s February: 31-32.
  • Tr. Borislav Pekić. Resistance and Comforts. In: Leopard III. London: Harvill: 263-275.
  • Tr. David Albahari. The Pope. In: Description of a Struggle. Michael March (ed.). London: Picador: 24-30.
  • Tr: Enes Kišević. Poems to the Innocent Victims. North Dakota Quarterly Fall/Winter: 95-97.
  • Tr: Đurđa Otržan. The Angel. North Dakota Quarterly Fall/Winter: 119-120.
  • Tr: Antun Šoljan. The Mannheim Story. The Bridge: Literary Magazine 3: 17-18;  also published in North Dakota Quarterly Fall/Winter: 182-185.
  • Tr: Slavenka Drakulić. Holograms of Fear. London: Hutchinson; also New York: Norton, 1992; London: The Women’s Press, 1993. 184 pp.
  • Contemporary Yugoslav Prose: the Dance of the Generations. Cimarron Review 96: 34-37.

  • Tr: David Albahari. The Poetics of the Short Story, Part One, The Poetics of the Short Story, Part Three. Cimarron Review 96: 44-48.
  • Tr: Miro Gavran. Plays (with Vidosava Janković). Zagreb: Durieux/The Bridge. 178 pp.
  • Tr: Jakov Radovčić. Gorjanović-Kramberger and Krapina Early Man. Zagreb: Školska knjiga.
  • Tr: Slobodan Šnajder. The Croatian Faust.  Scena: 193-221.
  •  Krleža’s Short Stories in English. Prevodna književnost: 59-64.
  • Ten Years of Croatian Literature in English. Iseljenički kalendar ‘81: 261-264.